Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January Newsletter

Happy New Year!  I have to apologize for not getting the newsletter done until now but I have been busy, busy, busy!  I have a lot of new and exciting things going on this year and am so excited to share it with you all.  More conformation workshops have been added to the schedule and I can't wait to share my new ideas with you all.  Additionally, I am looking forward to start training other professional trainers how to offer conformation training.  This is long overdue and it's definitely time to start spreading the word that positive reinforcement is the way to go with show dogs!

You may register for any of these classes by going to our online registration system here.
Three's Company, San Leandro, Tuesday, February 16, 6:00pm, 5 weeks, $200
Conformation, San Leandro, Wednesday, February 10, 12:00pm, 4 weeks, $46
Small Dog Beginning Obedience, San Leandro, Thursdays, February 11, 6:00pm, 5 weeks, $165
Conformation, San Leandro, Tuesday, February 16, 7:00pm, 4 weeks, $40

Our Positive Training for Show Dogs Online Course is now ongoing which means that you may join at any time!  Simply go to our registration page and register and pay and you will be added to the class.  For more information visit our website.

Tools of the Trade Workshop
Sunday, February 7, Braveheart Dog Training, San Leandro, 9:30 to 12:30 Register
Learn a variety of different tools and tricks to help with getting the best of your show dog. From proprioception and balance equipment to cavalettis and stackers. We will explore many different helpful tools! 

Teaching Conformation Classes for Professional Trainers 
Sunday, March 20, Dodger's Paws, Pleasanton, 9:00 to 5:00pm Register
If you are a positive reinforcement trainer who offers group classes or private instruction and are considering offering conformation classes this is the workshop for you.  We will discuss what a show dog needs to know and how to teach those behaviors, how to support pet dog training clients who are also planning to show, how dog shows work and so much more.

From Shy to Showy
Sunday, April 3, Braveheart Dog Training, San Leandro, 9:30 to 1:30 Register
This workshop is designed to help people with show dogs who need more confidence or are shy or concerned at dog shows.  There are many techniques and methods we can utilize in order to help shy show dogs feel more confident and have fun in the show ring.

Shape Up Canine Fitness Seminar with Lori Stevens at Dodger's Paws, co-hosted by Dodger's Paws and Braveheart
Sunday, April 17, Dodger's Paws, Pleasanton, 9:40 to 4:30 Register
What Will I Learn?
This seminar includes lots of videos and live demos. 
There are working spots as well as auditor spots (without dogs).
Physiological issues to look for in dogs
Observation skills
Benefits of all exercises shown in the workshop
Proper form for exercises
When to stop doing a certain exercise or an exercise session
Keeping fitness fun, fear-free, & force-free
Foundation exercises for core strength
How to progress from the foundation exercises
Hind-leg targeting
From on-the-ground exercises to Fitness equipment
Proper use of equipment and again how to progress on the equipment
Fitness Sessions: warm-ups, exercises, cool-downs
Year-long conditioning plan for performance dogs, e.g. how to train during a performance-sport season and how to train in the off-season.

Emeril is a sweet, lovable longhair Dachshund that Vicki has the pleasure of handling in the show ring.  Em comes to our conformation classes and workshops and has come to us for conformation board and train when he was a small puppy.  Vicki and Rhonda have been friends for years and even co own a dog that Vicki bred many years ago, Olive, sister to Vicki's Ribbon who are going to be 11 years old next month.  We love having Em in class and are happy to make him our Dog of the Month!