Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December Newsletter

Wow, I can't believe that 2012 is coming to an end!  Another year gone by, just like that.  2012 has been a good year for me and Braveheart.  I was able to complete my Certified Nose Work Instructor training and certification.  I also have moved much closer to my goal of offering parrot behavior consulting.  I began offering Canine Freestyle classes and have dove deeper into freestyle with Dickens, my Cavalier.  A lot of great things happened this year for me.  I think that the only really bad thing that happened in 2012 was the devastating loss of my beloved African Grey parrot, Ivan which indeed was a horrible, painful thing that I won't soon recover from.  I am extremely grateful to all of you for making my business and classes a success.  I feel very fortunate to have been able to earn your trust and confidence and appreciate you allowing me to work with you and your dogs and for passing my name on to others who may need help with their own dogs.

What's In Store For 2013
I am excited to be working on some new things for next year.  One of the things that I am excited about is offering the new class I am designing called Fun with Training and Tricks.  This class is replacing my Monday night, Castro Valley Intermediate class which needed a makeover.  This class will still help people and dogs improve their training skills and practice the basics at a more advanced level, but will incorporate some other elements that will make it a bit more fun and exciting!

I am also developing another new class that will focus on body awareness, core strengthening, proprioception and balance.  This class will be great for dogs that compete in a dog sport such as conformation, agility or freestyle, but also for overweight or older dogs or any dogs that need to learn body awareness.  I have already started writing the curriculum and ordering new equipment for this class.  This class should be ready to go in late January or early February.  Look for it!

Christmas Eve Point Isabel Walk
As we have done for the past several years, Rick and I will be going to Point Isabel to walk the dogs on Christmas Eve morning.  We love to see Braveheart clients and friends and get the dogs out to walk before all the holiday festivities begin.  We will be meeting in front of Mudpuppies on Christmas Eve morning at 10am.  Please join us.


This month, we actually have two DOGS of the month!  Casey and Holly are Cavaliers that are loved by Joanne and Paul!  Casey comes to Braveheart for conformation handling classes and little Holly has attended a variety of classes including Puppy Preschool, Marshmallows and Conformation classes.  Just adore Cavaliers and love having these little ones in our classes!

Christmas Donations Needed
This holiday season we are collecting donations for the Tri-Valley Haven, which operates a 30-bed confidential domestic violence shelter and a 16-bed homeless shelter. They are in need of new/never opened items for kids, teens and adults. If you would like to donate an item, stop by anytime to drop them off (items cannot be wrapped) no later then 12/8. Please call if you have any questions! Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Upcoming Classes
Small Dog Beginning Obedience/Manners, Castro Valley, Monday, 1/14/13, 6:30-7:30pm
Fun with Training and Tricks, Castro Valley, Monday, 1/14/13, 7:30-8:15pm

Continuing Nose Work, San Leandro, Fridays, 1/11/13, 6:30-8:00pm, with Yvonne Chohan

Beginning Obedience/Manners, Castro Valley, Saturdays, 2/2/13, 9:00-10:00am
Puppy Preschool, Castro Valley, Saturdays, 2/2/13, 10:00-10:50am
Canine Freestyle, Castro Valley, Saturdays, 2/2/13, 11:00-11:50am

Tuesday night drop in conformation classes will resume on 1/8/13.
Wednesday noon drop in conformation classes will resume on 1/9/13.
Wednesday night drop in nose work classes will resume on 1/9/13.
Small dog playgroup will resume on 1/9/13.

Christmas With Dogs
Just a few reminders about the holidays with your dogs!
1. Remember to keep boxes of candy and chocolate up and away from your dogs.  Chocolate is toxic to dogs as is macadamia nuts, raisins, grapes and onions.
2. Christmas ornaments, especially round glass balls, can look like toys to dogs.  Be sure to watch young dogs around the tree!
3. Tinsel can be very dangerous to animals.  Don't let your cats or dogs eat it!
4. Take the garbage out often when you are doing holiday cooking.  Turkey meat, bones and other good smelling trash may be very tempting to your dogs.
5. Use baby gates and or crates to contain dogs during the holidays when people are coming and going in and out of your house often.  This is especially important if you have guests that are not pet owners and not used to having to watch the door for animals.

Have a great Christmas and New Years everyone!  See you in 2013!