Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February Brave-Heart to Heart

I'm sorry this months newsletter is a little late.  I have, like so many others been dealing with a nasty cold and am just now starting to feel better. 

Despite being sick, last weekend I went to the Great Minds - The Art and Science of Animal Training lecture at the University of North Texas.  Traveling sick was no fun, but the lecture, just like last year was really good.  I saw Kay Laurence, a fabulous dog training from England, Bob Bailey, world famous multi species animal trainer, Ken Ramirez, awesome multi species animal trainer from Shedd Aquarium, Steve Martin, a multi species animal trainer who does a lot of work with birds, Alexandra Kurland, well known horse clicker trainer.  It was great and as usual I had several eye opening moments.  It was cool.  My favorite quote that I brought home was from Dr. Jesus Rosales Ruiz, the head of the UNT behavior department who said "Whoever is complaining about the behavior is probably the one maintaining it."  This is such a brilliant quote since it's so true that behavior has to be reinforced to be maintained, and it's usually the person who wants the behavior to go away that is the one reinforcing.  Very true in dog training!


Kiva and Kaylee

Kiva and Kaylee are Keeshonden who live with Kent and Debbie Patton.  Both Kiva and Kaylee have been coming to Braveheart Dog Training since they were little puppies.  Kiva has been through several of our classes and Kaylee, who is currently being show in conformation attends our conformation classes. 

Upcoming Classes
Please visit our website at www.braveheartdogtraining.com to see our upcoming classes!

We love referrals and good reviews!!  If you like Braveheart Dog Training and have enjoyed our classes, please consider writing a review for us on Yelp.com!

We now officially have a Braveheart Dog Training Facebook page.  If you are on Facebook, look up Braveheart Dog Training and become a fan!