Thursday, January 10, 2013

January Newsletter

Happy New Year!  2013.  All I can say is "time flies", but I think we are having fun, right?  The new session of classes all started up this week and it is nice to get back into the swing of things.

I am pretty excited about some of the things I have planned for 2013.  For one thing, the brand new Fun with Training and Tricks started this week and was so much fun.  It is my latest creation and has skill building, manners training practice, tricks, music, the whole enchilada really.  I dig it!  Keep an eye out for that one in Spring, as I am sure many of you will really enjoy it.  Also, my first ever Strength, Balance and Body Awareness class is scheduled to start on February 7.  I am excited to report that the class is full, but don't worry, it is another new class that is here to stay.  Also, I will be continuing to offer Canine Freestyle classes which is one of my favorite classes to teach.  The dogs and owners alike seem to really enjoy this class.  And, of course, for you agility diehards, Fun with Agility will return in the Spring at Dublin Creek Kennel.

Our Tuesday evening and Wednesday noon Drop In Conformation classes are back up and running too.  So, if you are preparing for a show or getting a new puppy started for the ring, drop on by!  If you are new to showing, you might want to do a private session first to learn the ropes before diving into the group class. Yvonne's Drop In Nose Work class on Wednesday nights and our small dog play groups are back too!  Be sure to let me know if you want to be on our nose work drop in conformation invitation list.  This is a great way to keep your dog working in between classes.

As always, to keep up with all of our classes and events, visit our website at Last year, our website received a much needed makeover, and I think you will find that it is easier to navigate and find the information you need.

You can also get updates and information on our Braveheart Dog Training Facebook page.  Simply "like" our page and you will receive our updates.

I am really excited to share that after years of preparation, training and hard work, as of January 2013, Braveheart now offers bird and parrot training and behavior consulting.  Most of you know that the only thing that comes close to rivaling my love of dogs is my love of birds and parrots.  I share my home with several birds and have had birds almost as long as I have lived with dogs.  I am really exciting to be adding this service to our offerings.  Check out our  Bird and Parrot page on our website.

In case you don't already know, I believe very strongly in continued education and skill development.  I feel that in order to be my best it is critical that I continue to learn and hone my skills.  So far, I have two big continued education plans for this year.  First, I will be attending Clicker Expo in January.  Clicker Expo is a three day long, animal training conference.  I am excited not only to learn but also to see my trainer friends from around the world, who I usually just get to correspond with via email, Facebook and sometimes online courses.  Second, in March I will be attending TWO days of personal, one on one training with Lara Joseph a highly respected bird/parrot trainer in Ohio.  I am so excited about both of these huge learning opportunities and intend to report back on how they go.


Spirit Rosenberg is our dog of the month!  Spirit and her owner Elisa have taken several classes with Braveheart and comes to us for conformation training/coaching.  Next up for Spirit is our Strength, Balance and Body Awareness class!  Of course we know we will always see her in our conformation classes and at the dog shows as well!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Monday Night Castro Valley Classes to Start on January 7

Correction to my earlier post, the Castro Valley classes, Small Dog Beginning Obedience Manners and Fun with Training and Tricks is actually starting on January 7, NOT January 14!