Friday, November 2, 2012

November Newsletter

Can you believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner?  I can't!  Wow, how time flies. As you probably know, fewer classes are offered at the end of the year as people are simply too busy with the holidays, vacations, family visits, etc, to attend classes.  However, I do have my die hards who can't ever get enough!  For you guys, I have a few classes starting in November to keep you going.

Winter Games, Monday, 11/12, 6-6:50pm, 3 weeks, $100
What is Winter Games, you ask?  Winter Games is a class that I created to help give you creative ideas of things to do with your dog during the winter months, when going out for walks or hikes may be a little less enjoyable.  We will do different indoor activities that will keep your dog stimulated, exercises and happy!

Confidence Building for Marshmallows, Monday,11/12, 7-8:15pm, 3 weeks, $100
Marshmallows is my confidence building class for shy, fearful or insecure dogs.  This class sets dogs up for success by allowing them to explore and investigate in a safe and non-threatening way.  They are reinforced for their confidence and curiosity.  This class is run so that dogs work one at a time, so dogs that are dog reactive or dog aggressive as still welcome to attend.

I am fortunate to have a large network of wonderful dog trainers, behavior consultants, veterinarians, dog walkers and other pet care professionals.  Because of this network, I have access to lots of great information on training, behavior, nutrition and much more which I share with my clients on the Braveheart Dog Training Facebook Page.  Articles, resources, links and of course, updates on our classes and all things Braveheart.  Please "Like" Braveheart Dog Training on Facebook.

We will be doing our annual Christmas Eve morning walk!  Braveheart clients and friends invited to meet us at Point Isabel, in front of Mudpuppies at 10am on Christmas Eve!  Unless it is pouring rain, we will be there!

Thanks to everyone who came to our annual Howl-O-Ween Party!  We had a great time and it was so fun to see everyone's great costumes!

Asha won First Place in the Trick Contest!

First Place in Costume Contest, Kirby as "An Active Crime Scene"

Second Place in Costume Contest, Savannah as Carmen Miranda 

Third Place in Costume Contest, Martini and Butters as Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf

Winnie and Daddy

Maggie Mae as a pirate girl

Marshall as Spiderman

Dennis as a Rocket (as if!)

Bigges as a skeleton 

Sammy as a little skeleton

Everly as a mermaid

Snooki as Marilyn Monroe

The littles chillin'

 Asha doing some tricks

Sammy gets air doing his tricks!

Kirby says, "I win!"

 Everly and Dennis go nuts!