Sunday, July 4, 2010

July Brave-Heart to Heart

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far.  I know I am!  With my new work at the kennel and classes, I am keeping busy.  I hope you will take a look at the new classes I have coming up and considering signing up for something sounds like fun for your and your dog! 

Dog of the Month

Louie Correia

Oh my lovely Louie!  This sweet, sweet boy has been through several Braveheart classes including beginning and agility for fun with his companion Sharon.  Every time I see Louie hearts fly out of his eyes and he squeals with happiness.....this boy really knows how to make someone feel loved!  And, Braveheart loves him right back!

Upcoming Classes
Novice Obedience is designed for people looking to compete with their dogs in obedience.  We will work on competition Novice exercises, however this class is also great for people just looking for new things to do with their dogs.  This 5 week class will start on Monday, August 16 at 6:30pm at Dublin Creek Kennels!

Marshmallows is a new class just for shy or fearful dogs.  The goal will be to teach owners of shy or fearful dogs to better understand their dogs behavior and body language and give them tools to help them help their dogs cope and learn to feel more comfortable around things that make them nervous.  This 5 week class will be start on Saturday, August 28, at 10am at Dublin Creek Kennels!

Clicker Conformation class for people who wish to train their show dogs using positive reinforcement methods including the clicker.  This 5 week class will start on Saturday, August 28 at 9am at Dublin Creek Kennels!

Wild Card is a 5 week class that serves as a "sampler" of different dog sports for owners to try with their dogs.  We will work on obedience, rally, agility, scentwork and more!  This class will start on Thursday, August 5 at 6:30pm at Dublin Creek Kennels!

Since there is so much interest, I added another Recall class.  The Dog Who Came When Called is a one session workshop where we work on teaching your dog an emergency recall!  This workshop will be offered on Thursday, July 29 at 7pm at Dublin Creek Kennels!

Please check out for the entire schedule of classes!

Hot Dogs!
Summer is here!  While Summer is a great time for everyone with kids out of school and everyone going on vacation we need to be extra thoughtful about making sure our dogs are kept safe and cool.  Here are some things to keep in mind:

Make sure your dog has plenty of water available at all times.  Any water kept in outside bowls will need to be refreshed more often as it can get warm on hot days.

It's not a good idea to take your daily walk in the middle of the day as this is typically the hottest time of the day.  Consider walking earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon or early evening to make sure that your dog (and you!) don't get overheated.  Also, be careful about walking on hot pavement or black top as it can get dangerously hot on warm days causing pain and even blistering.

Please do not take your dogs in the car if you would have to leave them in the car alone for any length of time.  Even on 80 degree days the heat inside a parked car can reach over 120 degrees.  Heatstroke can happen quickly and can be fatal.  Please leave your dog home on days when you can't take him inside with you.

If you allow your dog to be outside during the day, please make sure that they have plenty of shade and shelter (and water!)